Who is “Pritha?”

yeah, that’s me

Pritha is the original

lip balm lover


My lip balm journey started in the fifth grade, when I noticed that a tween-focused brand called “Lip Smacker” was offering my peers and me the opportunity for our lips to smell like the things we loved — popcorn, Reese’s and Dr. Pepper. Thankfully, my parents made the wise choice to refuse to buy me such an abomination, but my curiosity about this specific line of cosmetics never quite went away.

As the years passed, my taste grew more refined and my obsession simply grew. And now, here we are — my very own pithy compendium of commentary about the thing I love most in the world (after my dog, of course). 

If you have any ideas regarding balms I should review, questions about any of my existing reviews, or general feedback — please use the contact form on the right (desktop) or at the bottom (mobile) or email me here! I’d love to hear from you.