Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Kiss Lip Butter

TL;DR have I ever loved anything more? The answer is no.

Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Kiss CupuaƧu Lip Butter

Quick Scores

Price: $18.00

Available At: Sol de Janeiro or Sephora

A Deeper Look

Have you ever been so overcome with emotion that you are at a loss for words?

That’s how I feel trying to express my studied opinions about this lip balm. Like I’ve just been proposed to, or accepted into the college of my dreams, or handed a big, fat check.

Like this is the best thing that has happened or will ever happen to me. Like nothing will ever top this moment, right here.

How do I paint a picture of an experience that can only be felt, rather than lived? How do I convey the delight of a felicitous surprise, the joy of a glorious discovery? I shall endeavor to do my best but you’ll forgive me if, when you inevitably gift yourself the same experience, you find that my words did not do it justice.

Let’s start with the smell, which, by calling it that, is the first injustice I’ll do to this balm. It emits not a smell, but rather an olfactory bounty, a delightful assault of the senses that contains strong notes of both salted caramel ice cream and dulce de leche gelato. (Those of you who say that they’re the same — get off my blog.)

Next let’s chat about the buttery texture. Whatever marketing genius was responsible for calling this luscious luxury a “lip butter” could not have hit the nail on the head harder. Applying the Brazilian Kiss feels like enveloping my lips in the softest cashmere blanket or slathering it with freshly-made ghee (you’d think that those wouldn’t be comparable sensations, but you’d be wrong).

Lastly, let’s briefly discuss the effectiveness of this, my latest Pritha’s Pick. For you, my dear readers, I must be frank. I have no idea how long-lasting this formula is because I apply it with reckless abandon, as if I’ll never run out, as if keeping its juicy moisture on my lips is as vital as breathing. I’m going to venture a guess that it likely lasts longer than ten minutes (a professional guess would be that it lasts at least 2 hours) but I don’t think I’ll ever, empirically, know.

And why the 0.05 points off on the value? Simply because I learned, in the process of writing this post, that the fat tube you see pictured is not 100% filled with product. It is, at best, 50% filled with product. Will I still purchase it again (and again and again)? Absolutely. But I’d have wished for greater truth in advertising.

Update on Nov. 7: Now that I am nearing the end of my tube (merely a month into its use), I feel the need to drop both my Packaging score (from a 5 to a 4) and Value score (from a 4.95 to a 4.5) as I now realize that there is even less product in the tube than I had originally deduced. If you notice the top dotted line in the picture above, that is where the product ends and the rest (I guess?) is just air.

To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement. Did I absolutely love using this balm? Yes. Am I still very disheartened by the misleading packaging and what I now consider to be a less-than-fair price point? Yes.

I am loathe to drop the Pritha’s Pick designation as a result of this unfortunate realization, but will strive to be more discerning of packaging deception in the future.

Important: Gluten-Free, Cruelty-Free, Paraben-Free, Contains Beeswax, PLEASE JUST GET IT