Rare Beauty Dewy Lip Balm

TL;DR a stunning surprise worthy of its celebrity clout

Rare Beauty Dewy Lip Balm in Compliment

Quick Scores

  • Effectiveness: 4.5 (out of 5)
  • Taste: 3.5
  • Smell: 5
  • Packaging: 4.5
  • Value: 5

Price: $16.00

Available At: Rare Beauty or Sephora

A Deeper Look

It’s important for me to state outright that I am Team Bieber.

Despite this, when I learned that his former paramour and rumored song subject had launched a beauty line that included a range of lip balms, I knew that it was my duty — nay, my destiny! — to review it for my loyal readers. (That’s you.) That is the depth of my devotion to you all; I would betray the man whose presence featured at my wedding nearly as much as my husband’s (fact).

Ultimately, the (brief) mental anguish was well worth it.

Within and without, this balm is truly a worthy addition to the vast world of hydrating lip color. Though the exterior packaging is uninspired (a plain paper box with teeny font and nary a flourish), the tube itself is Frank Gehry-like in its curvilinear, modernist aesthetic. The soft pink coloring is understated but classy — something any modern woman would be proud to pull of out her clutch. Moreover, the tube closes shut (when top and bottom are properly aligned) with a satisfying, magnetic click.

The balm itself is, also, excellent. (Apologies for the digression — I got distracted congratulating myself for the usage of the word “curvilinear” on a lip balm blog.) It colors at first swipe and leaves behind a beautiful shine (see my try-on for a visual reference) without even a hint of greasiness. The formula leaves your lips feeling deliciously, kissably soft.

(Minor, but notable, flaw: though the taste is very subtle, it is not pleasant. I would liken it to dried paint, though I don’t necessarily make a point of licking my walls.)

What kept this from being a Pritha’s Pick? Though the hydration is long-lasting, I find that, as the shine fades, the stain that remains taints your lips with the unbecoming appearance of dryness. Nitpicky, I know, but the bar is high to achieve holy grail status.

With all that being said…come & get it.

Important: Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Paraben-Free, Contains Shea Butter