eos Strawberry Sorbet Lip Balm

TL;DR stick: not great, sphere: pretty good

eos Lip Balm Sphere in Strawberry Sorbet

Quick Scores

  • Effectiveness: Stick 3, Sphere 4 (out of 5)
  • Taste: Stick 3, Sphere 4
  • Smell: Stick 4, Sphere 5
  • Packaging: Stick/Sphere 4
  • Value: Stick 4, Sphere 5

Price: $4.99

Available At: Your pharmacy or Target

A Deeper Look

If we ignore the existence of the ubiquitous Burt’s Bees frat bro-grade balm (and, please, let’s do), this is the next level up of “starter balm.” Superior to the aforementioned ‘Bees in nearly every way, eos gets (almost) everything right when it comes to accomplishing all of the things you want from a balm: moisturize for a moderate length of time (at least an hour), be pleasing to the senses, and not fall apart if you rub too vigorously (which I, admittedly, do quite often).

Where it falls short is in the stick (not pictured). Bearing the most tenuous of similarities to its companion sphere (in packaging color, obviously, and the faintest of strawberry milkshake scents), the eos stick falls apart at the teensiest pressure on your lips and leaves an abhorrent glue-like taste in your mouth. Not to mention, the moisturizing properties fade almost as soon as you put the stick down.

Skip the stick; go for the sphere.

Important: Contains Shea Butter, Paraben-Free, Cruelty-Free, Organic